Research Ambitions
Our ambitions, framed as research questions, offer us the opportunity to shape the future. Are you a master’s student and would you like to significantly contribute to our thought leadership position in the Software Architecture domain? Please reach out to Rinse van Hees, Head of Research Software Architecture, for more information.
Emerging behavior
Infrastructure as code is one of the foundations of the new wave of web scale software systems. The infrastructure of the software systems dynamically reconfigures itself to react to the demands on the system as a whole. The system can decide to instantiate new instances of a sub component, reroute requests or build a complete copy of itself in another location. These new capabilities can have unspecified interactions with the running software itself and have undesired and unexpected results. This is called emergent behavior, behavior not explicitly built into the system. As part of our ambition to build and maintain quality software systems we feel that infrastructure as code should be part of our solution architecture and we should have the same quality guarantees as the rest of the system.
Multi paradigm programming languages
Scala is a programming language at the intersection of object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). As Scala is used in larger and more complex projects, how can we ensure the same level of quality and maintainability we have for more traditional languages such as Java and C#? For both OOP and FP paradigms we have metrics and quality guidelines but for multi-paradigm programming languages these are not yet available. Can we apply the current OOP and FP metrics to multi-paradigm languages? How do the OOP and FP metrics interact and compare to each other? Are there metrics unique to multi-paradigm programming languages and what can they tell us? How do metrics on multi paradigm languages signal quality? These are questions we feel are necessary to answer to maintain the same level of quality when building Scala software systems.
Are you interested in working in this area?
Don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact Rinse van Hees, Head of Research Software Architecture. Or apply directly to one of our assignments.
Software Architecture Publications
Faster Mutation Testing through Simultaneous Mutation Testing
Faster Mutation Testing through Simultaneous Mutation Testing
Design, Implementation, and Experimental Evaluation of Hestia
Design, Implementation, and Experimental Evaluation of Hestia
An Architecture Framework for Smart Farming
Using topology complexity as a software architecture design quality assessment
The LAMP Framework
Functional purity as a code quality metric in multi-paradigm languages
Callisto – Selecting Effective Mutation Operators for Mutation Testing
Thesis project submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of: MSc Computer Science, Software Technology specialization Faculty of E…
Research Center Talk “Mutation Levels: Selecting Effective Mutation Operators for Mutation Testing”
In our Research Center Talk Jan will explain the value of mutation levels, describe his methodology and shows its application in Stryker, an open-sour…
Evaluating Adversarial Attack Detectors using Formal Verification Methods
IT-masterclass ‘Get a grip on your microservices using a service-mesh’ by Edwin van Wijk
On March 16th, Edwin van Wijk taught the masterclass “Get a grip on your microservices using a service mesh”. In this masterclass, he explained what a…
To make optimal use of the added value of Shared Understanding
Any team must have a shared understanding – of the task, the team, and the process - in order to succeed. While many activities and ideas in Agile met…
Thesis Talk Mick Tuit – Image Protection Against DeepFakes Using Adversarial Attacks
Deepfake Detection is the task of deciding whether a video is a deepfake or not. With the increase of popularity in deepfakes and its malicious applic…
Source Code Metrics for Combined Functional and Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
Industry-Pushed Ways Of Working In User Story Refinement: How Good Are They Really?
Info Support Research Demo Day
The Info Support Research center is organizing a new Demo Day on Thursday 22 October. The session takes place digitally and is for anyone interested i…
Code Quality Metrics for the Funtional Side of the Object-Oriented Language C#
Data Science Meets the Agrifood Sector
Towards an architecture design for a future societal energy supply system
Code Quality Evaluation for the Multi-Paradigm Programming Language Scala
Assessing the Effectiveness of Fault-Proneness Prediction Models Across Software Systems
Stable and predictable Voronoi treemaps for software quality monitoring
Stable Voronoi-based visualizations for software quality monitoring
Stable Voronoi-based visualizations for software quality monitoring
Agile User Experience
The webmail experience
Estimate the post-release Defect Density based on the Test Level Quality